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About Chief Editor
Prof. K.R. Kohli, M.D. [Ay] Ph. D
Chief Editor- Ayurveda Heritage
Joint Secretary- Association of Manufacturers of Ayurvedic Medicines
Personal Qualifications
Name |
Designation |
DIRECTOR- Ayurvedic Research
Official Address |
Dabur Research Foundation,
22, Site IV, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad(UP),
INDIA-201010 -Phone: Direct: 91-120-4378614
IMPORTANT Past Assignments |
R.A. Podar Medical College [Ayurveda]
Govt. of Maharashtra, Mumbai
(From 23rd April 2002-5th January 2004)
2.Consultant, Traditional Medicine,
WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia
[from 11 April 2001 to 22 Sept.2001]
Residence Address |
Flat No. 124, Ashirwad
Enclave, Plot no. 104
Patparganj, I.P.Extension, Delhi-110092
E-mail: KuldipR@Dabur.com
krkohli@rediffmail.com |
Professional Qualifications |
Name of Course
Board/University |
Remarks |
B A M&S Ayurvedacharya |
University of Jammu, J&K
Received GOLD MEDAL for
standing 1st in merit |
M. D. in Ayurveda
(Ayurveda Vachaspati)
Kayachikitsa/Internal Medicine |
Banaras Hindu University,
Dissertation topic was
A study of Kriyakala of Prameha and its management with
E. Jambolana (with special reference to Diabetes mellitus) |
Ph. D in Ayurveda
(Ayurveda Varidhi)
Mumbai University, Mumbai,
Sept.1999 |
Evaluation of a few herbal
extracts in Prameha vis-à-vis Diabetes mellitus |
Teaching Experience |
Period |
Subjects taught |
Experience |
Graduate/ Postgraduate Students |
Institution |
Aug 1985-Feb 1990
4yrs &
Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences
Associate Professor
Feb 1990-
Jan 1997
7 years
Graduate & Postgraduate
iR A Podar Medical College, Worli, Mumba
Jan 1997-to31st December 2003 till date
6 years
Graduate & Postgraduate
R A Podar Medical College, Worli, Mumbai
DEAN & Professor
April 23, 2002 to 31st December 2003
Graduate & Postgraduate
R A Podar Medical College, Worli, Mumbai
Total Teaching Experience :
18 years 6 Months |
Research Activities
- Head of Special Panchakarma Department of Podar Medical College,
Worli, Mumbai (INDIA)
- M.D(Ay) & Ph.D Guide recognised by University of Mumbai and
have two registered candidates.
- Investigator for the Indian Council of Medical Research [ICMR]
Project on Ksharsootra in Treatment of Fistula in Ano - 1985-1990
- Chairman of Ethical Committee of R. A. Podar Medical College till
- Member of the Ethics Committee of Bioequivalence & Bio-availability
Division of K. M. Kundnani College of Pharmacy.
- Member of the Task Force of Medicinal Plants Board of Rajasthan
- Conducted several Clinical Trials on:
a) Anti-ischaemic drugs (Dabur)
b) Anti diarrhoeal drugs (Dabur)
c) Antidiabeticdrugs: Universal Medikit, Nature Cure, Sandu Bros.
d) Antidiabeticdrug DIABECON (Himalaya Drug Co.)
e) Hepatoprotective drugs (Zandu)
f) HepatitisB (Zandu)
g) Anti-arthritic Drugs (Phytomedica)
h) Irritable Bowel Syndrome for Rallis India Ltd
- Published around 40 research papers in National level journals
and have attended several Seminars and Conferences.
- Guided students of other disciplines like Home Sciences, Pharmacy
for their M.Sc./Ph.D. besides guiding several students of Ayurvedic
- Have the credit of managing 4 Epidemics of Hepatitis with Ayurvedic
drugs at Beed (1992), Murbad (1996), Pen (1999) and at Mangaon (Mar-April,
2000) - all the four times at the behest of the Government of Maharashtra.
- Supervised several students for successful completion of their
M.D. (Ay) degrees and some others are pursuing similar degrees at
- Conducted Vasantik Vaman Camps twice in 1992 & in Feb-Mar.2000.
The number of patients on whom this procedure was completed was
150 and 292 respectively.
Other Associations/Activities in India
- Member of Ayurvedic Drug Manufacturing Association(ADMA)
- Member of Association of Manufacturers of Ayurvedic Medicines.
- Member of Biological Diversity Act., Govt. of India
- Drug Technical Advisory Board, Govt. Of India
- Expert Committee of DTAB
- Member of the CSIR Venture on Ayurvedic Research named NMITLI
- Vice Chancellors Nominee for various selections of Professors
and Principals in Ayurved Colleges in Maharashtra
- Chief Editor of HORIZON Quarterly Newsletter of R.
A. Podar Medical College(Ay) being published since April 2003(Five
Volumes Published).
- Expert Member for the selection of Professors and other teachers
in Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
- Postgraduate(M.D Ay) and Ph.D Guide in Kayachikitsa in University
of Mumbai.
Member of the Board of Studies for Kayachikitsa at the Banaras
Hindu University, Varanasi.
EXPERT MEMBER for Kayachikitsa in Faculty of Ayurveda.
On the PANEL OF REFEREES for Journal of Research in Ayurveda
& Siddha [CCRAS].
Member of the High Level Committee for Development of Keraliya
Panchkarma in Govt. Colleges in Maharashtra.
Member of the Research Committee for Maharashtra University of
Health Sciences, Nashik.
Member of International Advisory Council Health 2003 (3rd to
5th ct.2003)
On the Advisory Board of the monthly Journal AYURVEDA VIKAS
published from New Delhi.
On the Advisory Board of the monthly Journal AYURVARTA
published from Thane , Mumbai
On the Advisory Board of AYURMEDLINE, a bi-annual from Bangalore.
Nominated by Govt. of India on the Scientific Advisory Committee
of Institute of Postgraduate Teaching and Research, Gujarat Ayurveda
University, Jamnagar.
Technical Advisor to J&K Govt. Registered Panchakarma
And Herbal Research Kendra, Jammu.
On the ADVISORY BOARD of the Pharma Business, Hospital &
Heath Care, Pharma Vision and Complimentary Medicine, all the
four publications belonging to the Group of Strategicnewspapers.com
(Since September 21, 2000).
Member of the Dr. Patani Scientific & Research Body (approved
by Dept. of Scientific & Industrial Research, Govt. of India)
from 1st Jan 2001- 31st Dec 2001.
Member of the Panel of the Managing Committee for organisation
of an Exhibition of Alternative Systems named HEALTH VEDA organised
by Dinmension Four Event managers from September 11-14, 2003.
Lectured At
- Actively Participated in Informal Consultation on Panchakarma
at WHO, South East Asia Regional Office at New Delhi to draft the
Guidelines for Panchakarma Practice(Nov. 20-23, 2001)
- Delivered a lecture on Managing Diabetes through Ayurveda
at Pragati Maidan during Arogya Mela organized by Dept. Of ISM &
H and India Trade Promotion Council from 15-18 Dec 2001.
- Delivered a lecture at Raipur on Primary Health Care through Ayurveda
Medicinal Plants. Organised by Srishti Herbals of Chhatisgarh State.
- Delivered a Lecture in the capacity of Keynote Speaker
on Rasayan during 3rd International Seminar on Ayurveda organized
by Gujarat Ayurveda University at Jamnagar 3-5th Feb. 2002.
- Delivered a Guest Lecture on Management of Apasmar
in National Ayurveda Congress organized by Sowparnika Ayurvedic
Foundation at Hyderabad, Feb 9-10, 2002.
- Delivered a Lecture in the capacity of Keynote Speaker
on Diabetic Complications during 4rd International Conference on
Ayurveda organized by Gujarat Ayurveda University at Jamnagar in
January, 2003.
- Delivered a Keynote Lecture in Arogya Sanjeevani, an exhibition
on Ayurved for Lay Public conducted by Campaign Masters in Juhu
in Nov.2002
- Conducted a Workshop on Diabetes & Ayurved at WELLNESS 2003,
an exhibition for general public conducted by TIMES FOUNDATAION
at Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai on June 2,2003.
Delivered a lecture on Road Map to Development of ISM Industry
in the BUSINESS INTERACTIVE MEET, May 10-11, 2003 held at MayFair
Rooms, Mumbai
Delivered a Guest Lecture on The Ayurvedic concept and
Management of Allergic Disorders at Gujarat Ayurved University,
Jamnagar on the occasion of 48th Foundation Day of Gujarat Ayurved
University held on 20-21 July 2003.
Delivered a Guest Lecture on The Ayurvedic concept and
Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis AND was the Chief Guest
at NIMA National Conference AYURCON 2003 at Ghaziabad on 21st
September 2003.
Participated in the debate and delivered the viewpoints on invitation
from the organisers on Alternate systems of medicines should
be included into the curriculum of Modern Medicine organised
by Association of Physicians of India, Mumbai Chapter at MayFair
Rooms, Worli, on 5th October 2003.
Delivered a Lecture on Traditional Systems of Medicine
in South East Asia in the Workshop sponsored by ICMR-WHO
at Unani Tibbia College, Mumbai on 22nd October 2003.
Participated in International Conference on Intellectual Property
Policy: Research & Innovation in developing Countries held
on March 16-17, 2004 at New Delhi
Delivered a Lecture in ICMR sponsored training programme in Dept.
of Clinical Pharmacology, TNMedical College & BYL Nair Charitable
Hospital, Mumbai on Research in Traditional Medicine: Strengths
and Opportunities: An Industry Perspective on September 6, 2004
Delivered an invited Lecture in Indian Pharmacology Society,
Kolkata on Revverse Pharmacology in Traditional Medicine Research:
Ayurvedic medicines in Diabetic Retinopathy on January 14-16,
2005 at Science City.
Participated actively in Brain Storming Session on Nutraceuticals
held on 15th February, 2005. in Dept. Of Biotechnology, CGO Compex,Lodhi
Road, New Delhi
International Experience
- Participated in the following Conferences abroad as a Guest Speaker
during 2000-2001:
a) 3rd International Congress on Phytomedicine at Munich(Germany):
Presented a paper Concept and Management of Diabetes Mellitus
in Ayurveda from 11-13 Oct 2000.
b) South West Yoga Conference at Austin (USA) from 2-5th Nov.2000:
Presented a paper Managing Diabetes, the Ayurveda Way
from 2-5th Nov. 2000.
c)Participated in International Conferences in Germany and USA and
took around 20 lectures on Ayurveda in these two countries. Besides
these Conferences, undertook travel to several countries in the
West and disseminated principles of Ayurveda.
d)Participated in International Conference on Complimentary and
Alternate Medicine held in Singapore from February26-28,2005 and
delivered a lecture on Diabetes and its complications: Management
through Ayurveda.
e)Delivered a Lecture in Indain High Commission in Singapore on
Indian Corporate Sector and Ayurvedic System of Medicine on Mar1,2005
- CONSULTANT, Traditional Medicine, WHO Regional Office for South-East
Asia, New Delhi [from 11 April continuing].
- Travelled to Geneva (Switzerland) in May 2001 as a member of the
Government of India delegation representing the Department of Indian
System of Medicine & Homoeopathy [ISM&H], Ministry of Health,
Govt. of India. Made a Presentation on Role of Ayurveda in
Primary Health Care before Health Ministers of around 30 Countries
on the occasion of World Health Assembly at Geneva on 17th May 2001.
- Travelled to South Africa in July 2001 as a member of the Government
of India delegation to Made in India Show. Made presentations
on tenets and practice of Ayurveda at Johannesburg (18th July2001)
& Durban (21st July 2001).
- As DEAN played an Instrumental role in signing of an MOU between
in April 2003.
- Travelled to Geneva (Switzerland) in May 2004 as a member of the
Government of India delegation representing the Department of AYUSH,
Ministry of Health, Govt. of India. Made a Presentation on Role
of Ayurveda in Primary Health Care before Health Ministers
of around 30 Countries on the occasion of World Health Assembly
at Geneva on 19th May 2004.
- Participated in International Conference on Complimentary and
Alternate Medicine (ICCAM 2005) as a member of Govt. Of India Delegation
held in Singapore from February26-28,2005 and delivered a lecture
on Diabetes and its complications: Management through Ayurveda organized
by National University of Singapore
